recent buzz... Added aerial photo coverage for all of Mercer County North Dakota from 1958! See a 1958...
Topic Title         Lower Price bracket Ideal.
2017-02-21 21:53:43 EastKyDigger I use this site to only view areas of interest of metal detecting and have no desire, or need, at all to pay for images. I think a monthly subscription service of $10 a month just to view the maps without watermarks would be a service that would take off among people in my hobby who use it the same way. I've actually got used to the water marks, but $40 a month is way to expensive unless you plan to export images. Your subscription service seems to be tailored to this crowd and IMO you are not taking advantage of a cheaper service plan that many would be willing to pay with no extra options except no watermarks.
2017-02-21 21:57:27 Kimcrump I agree
2017-02-21 22:08:47 EastKyDigger I would bet they are thousands in the detecting hobby who use this site daily just for that purpose, and yet, we still see subs tailored to a professional crowd of maybe a few hundred hits a month that may want to export an image image. We just need to see a house on a 1950 aerial without having to raise and lower the resolution so the watermark will move out of the way. No one in the hobby will pay $40 a month for that option and the vast majority of your traffic are people like us. I'd be willing to bet money on it.
2017-02-21 22:47:35 EastKyDigger New site, subscriptions as requested, same old catering to the export image crowd. I don't even know why the topo maps here are even watermarked. The website has the exact same topo maps watermark free and you can export large sections as PDF's for free if needed for offline views. If you have exclusive aerials not found anywhere else, and this seems to be the case with some older pre 60's aerials of my area as I haven't seen them anywhere else, and you own the copyright, then more power to you. It seems to be a pipe dream to get a simple map view sub with no watermarks. This has been the main request over and over and over wanting just this option and ONLY this option with a realistic hobbyist sub price and that requested ideal was then taken and exclusively tailored to the same limited market of people who might pay for exported images with the majority of the traffic ignored. If they did offer a $10 sub with no watermarks only options the view screen would be limited to like 150 x 150 lol
2017-02-22 18:37:21 katya Yea, could be true. Even something like, "10$ a month + minimal subscription is 3 months + 3$ for each saved exported image 800px", would bring some many new visitors, I believe. I'd also like to see something with bigger discount and longer subscription, like 195$ for 6 months but 300$ for a year.
2017-03-03 18:26:32 planetearthwind AGREEED Been a huge fan of site for years, always talked about it referred to people, etc.. i metal detect for hobby and would easily have paid a small fee for full access or less intrusive water marks or some updated/added more map access.... but honestly $39 per month just seems out right greedy
2017-03-04 06:40:25 Torchfire The metal detecting community is vastly overlooked as a base for this site. For example, my 16 y.o. son Riley started and runs a Facebook page called Civil War Unearthed and has added nearly 1500 members in less than 2 years. Many of them use this site to research and navigate. As an independent business owner myself (and a serial entrepreneur), I wholly agree that the creators of Historic Aerials have missed a crucial segment of the market and have left money on the table...but I am fine with that and with the watermarks. Not interested in building power points or presentations with the images.
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